A Bitter Pill to Swallow

I wish I knew how to quit you Tony Romo.
I am a self-proclaimed temporary Cowboys hater. My new fandom, the Tennessee Titans, are a tough act to cheer for. While they have Superman at QB, they can't escape the truth: They stink. The fact that I am too cheap to spend $150 to actually see them play every Sunday further compounds my ill feelings. If the Republicans remained in control of the House and Senate, I was assured that things wouldn't be this way.
But, I must admit that seeing the Cowboys struggle brings a bevy of emotions. On one hand, this is the team that made me passionate about football. 3 out of my 7 high school years the Cowboys won the Super Bowl. America's team, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, the triplets...the list goes on and on. But, on the other hand, with every loss Dallas is one step closer to getting rid of "the player who wears #81." And that makes me happy.
But, apparently I am not the only person bitter about the Cowboys this season. My sorrow pales in comparison of what Drew Bledsoe must be feeling right now.
In fact, it pains him so much that he decided to buy a website and blog his thoughts.
As a precursor, Drew can get emotional at times and use naughty words, slang and bad sentence structure. But, how can you blame the guy? Losing his job to a can't miss Hall of Famer like Romo must sting.
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