Kicked Out

The Cowboys have released the self-proclaimed "greatest kicker of all time" (aka G-Koat) Mike Vanderjagt. Personally, I am at a loss for words.
I mean he doesn't like to kick off, his teamates hate him and his ego rivals a 20-something that just finished taping a season of the Real World. But, I don't see what's wrong with him. You could make an arguement with all the missed FGs, but banking extra points off the crossbars still counts the last time I checked. (Provided they cross it...)
I don't see why he couldn't be used as a utility man. If you are just going to bench Drew Bledsoe anyway, why not let Vandershank handle mop up duty in the 4th quarter?
I don't understand this move Tuna. First, you put in the Rib guy at QB...and now this? The Boys must be playing for next year.
Vanderjagt is a jerk off who always missed the kicks when they really counted. Not even counting the AFC Championship kick of '05. Back when the Pats still owned the Colts, Vanderjagt had a chance to hit a winning field goal, before which he rubbed his fingers together signaling "Money" to the Pats sideline. Of course, he missed it, and my Pats won. Vanderjagt is a joke of a human being, let alone a friggin kicker.
He looks like that Irish soccer player in that Keanu reeves movie.
You expect him to see him setting down his cigarette before each kick
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