Bomar-ed...I mean Brantley-ed

Despite 6 months of debunking any rumors that he would waiver on his commitment, Texas' top recruit John Brantley has announced that he will sign a letter of intent to play for the Florida Gators next year.
Best of luck to John as he holds the clipboard for Tim Tebow the next 3 years. (Ask Ryan Perriloux for advice on this) There is a special place in hell reserved for people like you.
See ya later...Gator.
(Ok, maybe it's karma since we stole Jevan Snead from Florida...but this blog isn't about being rational)
In all seriousness, good luck sir. Give 'em hell in Gainsville.
Texas fans just can't seem to catch a break these days.
Seriously Desmond, do some homework. It's "Jeh-von".
Oh...I guess I should mention that Cal isn't playing Texas in the Holiday Bowl for good measure. Have we seriously fallen so far that people think we are aggy?
I'd have to think Brantley has a better chance of Colt not living up to his freshman year performance than does Tebow. But as I said before, this kid may never prove good enough to see the field. And we're left hoping Colt hasn't maxed out his potential.
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